This was a self-published and self-distributed comic zine.
Several parts of this project were drawn at different times over years and finally assembled into this form. You can probably spot the differences in the artwork.
The Aphid, Dog Poo Man, Stardude and Circus of Sinners were penciling speed tests – later inked.
Green Peace Gal (Nature’s Advocate) was published in an environmental awareness edition of The Gauntlet. Briefly appeared in The Thinking Man’s Idiocies comic strip the same year.
phan·tas·ma·go·ria | \ (ˌ)fan-ˌtaz-mə-ˈgȯr-ē-ə \
Definition of phantasmagoria
1: an exhibition of optical effects and illusions
2a: a constantly shifting complex succession of things seen or imagined b: a scene that constantly changes
3: a bizarre or fantastic combination, collection, or assemblage